Restaurants and Dining in Spanish

Learn Spanish phrases for dining and ordering food in a restaurant.


Food is an important topic in any language. That's why you need to know how to order food, buy a drink, or reserver a table for a group of people. This Spanish lesson includes phrases that will enable you to communicate about food and drinks in Spanish. Take you time to pick the ones you like the most and try to memorize them. In addition, you will become familiar with Spanish translations for words as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and many others.

Spanish phrase        English translation
Una mesa para una persona, por favor. A table for one person, please.
Una mesa para dos personas, por favor. A table for two people, please.
¿Puedo entrar a la cocina? Can I look in the kitchen?
¿Hay alguna especialidad de la casa? Is there a house specialty?
¿Hay alguna especialidad regional/de la zona? Is there a local specialty?
Soy vegetariano. I'm a vegetarian.
Soy vegetariana. I'm a vegetarian.
No como cerdo. I don't eat pork.
menú del día fixed-price meal
a la carta à la carte
desayuno breakfast
comida lunch
almuerzo lunch
cena supper
Quiero …. I want…
Quisiera un plato que lleve… I want a dish containing…
Quisiera un plato que lleve pollo. I want a dish containing chicken.
Quisiera un plato que lleve ternera. I want a dish containing beef.
Quisiera un plato que lleve vacuno. I want a dish containing beef.
Quisiera un plato que lleve res. I want a dish containing beef.
Quisiera un plato que lleve pescado. I want a dish containing fish.

Index of Spanish phrases for restaurants

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